The Teams Success BluePrint

What if you could communicate easily online, create online meetings that are as good or better than face to face, and share information with your team easily?  Now you can...
  • Microsoft Teams, What You Absolutely Need to Know, Video Series. ($97 Value) This step-by-step, in-depth online training helps you to start using equipping your team/staff with new ways to collaborate which enables you to have the right team of people working together with the precise information that they need and figure things out much faster so can communicate your ideas to the team instantly.
  • ​​Teams Planning Worksheet ($12 Value) Use this worksheet so that you can create a clear picture of the framework for your Team.
  • The Seamless Integration System ($97 Value) This step-by-step training, exercises, and templates holds the keys for you to create storage systems for your Files in Teams so you can eliminate duplication of files and everyone saving copies and stop wasting time looking for information and files in systems that don't work for everyone..
  • ​Comprehensive Guide to Effective Meetings in Microsoft Teams ($97 Value) This step-by-step, in-depth online training is the secret to manage all aspects of a meeting with all information about the meeting in Teams so you can find what you need easily and save time on organizing and recording meetings..
  • Effective Meetings Checklist ($12 Value). Maybe you've googled about Teams meetings in the past and you have found all kinds of competing wisdom about it, so this is exactly what you need and nothing that you don't.
  • ​​Template for organizing your files ($17 Value) Use this Template so that you can organize your files in SharePoint or OneDrive.
  • 3 Step by Step Workbooks ($63 Value)  A Workbook for Teams Step 1, the Basics. Another Workbook on Teams navigation, chats, channels, sharing. And a Workbook for Teams Seamless Integration. 
  • ​BONUS #1: 7 Tips for Going Paperless with OneNote ($47 Value) This Downloadable E-Book will help you create a digital system of notes you can share with your team.
  • ​BONUS #2: Step by Step Guide on Transitioning from your Computer to the Cloud ($17 Value)  This Downloadable Guide will help you to create a plan for changing your filing systems from the computer / server to the Cloud.
  • ​​BONUS #3: The Teams Transformation ($17 Value) This Downloadable Checklist holds the secret to create a list of processes & technologies to be replaced by Teams.

Total Value: $497
But today, you're getting all of this...



ONE TIME OFFER: Running the TEAMS App from Your iPhone $27. A mini course on how to use Teams, navigate, run meetings, and join a meeting all from your iPhone..

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Every minute you wait to get "The Microsoft Teams Success Blueprint" is another minute your team will continue to struggle and be confused on how to communicate, collaborate and meet effectively.. Put the power of "The Microsoft Teams Success Blueprint" to work for you so you can quickly and easily communicate easily online, create online meetings that are as good or better than face to face meetings, and share information with their team easily!

What Satisfied Customers are Saying

"I love how informative you are when your teaching! You go out of your way to show us additional tips and tricks."
  - Megan U. Surrey
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